Posts from category General:

Often you can’t get a simple print statement to output to Mobu’s output window when using PySide. You will only see all the output if you close down a UI and reload it. Easiest way to get around this is with flushing the output via the pythonidelib module. It’s as simple as:

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Just a quick mention that I have been spending the last 2 months in the UK on an exciting film project. Lots of Maya, Motionbuilder, PyQt, with some Nuke scripting. Fun, fun. I need to throw some of the Mobu snippets up here for reference, as I find hunting down helpful Mobu code to be […]

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Some tweaks…

Slight unrelated, but my professional website is in dire need of an overhaul (as is my reel). Currently focusing on that at the moment, but I expect to have a lot of little posts here regarding rigging soon. -SZ-

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Hello world!

I’ve been meaning to make a blog for a while now… maybe years.  I actually sucked it up and finally committed to it.  Hoping to document and keep a lot of good info on here for myself and for others who are interested in Maya and the Rigging process… as well as scripting and TD […]

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